Helping service-based teams build stronger, longer-lasting businesses that have healthy margins in work and life.

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Your Business Strategy, Leadership, Team Culture, and Sales Expert.

With 20+ years of hands on experience in heavy sales roles, starting and running companies, managing teams and wearing *all* the hats, The Blakey Group is a business consulting firm that specializes in helping single op to mid-sized businesses get the traction and results you deserve. With a focus on business strategy, helping managers/owners manage and lead, building better team cultures, and increasing sales - TBG strives to give you the knowledge and skills you need to reach that “tipping point” in your business that creates a stronger, longer lasting business that has healthy margins for your time and attention in both life and work.


We don’t teach you what we’ve read in textbooks, we teach you what’s been proven to work through our own personal experience as a leader in business for the past 20+ years.


The Blakey Group offers professional speaking, 1-on-1 coaching sessions, masterminds, team workshops, trainings, and more. 

We believe so wholly in creating a movement within your business to accelerate growth for you - BUT, sustainable growth. Being a flash in the pan doesn’t make a bit of difference if you or your people get burned out, leave or you slide backwards months later. We want to be a catalyst for lasting change, solutions, growth and movement forward so you are one step closer (but hopefully a lot more than that), to reaching the next level of your journey.

*We are set up and equipped with an in-house virtual studio, software, professional audio and lighting to best serve you with keynote virtual gigs, or keynotes that turn virtual at a moments notice.*


the core four

What sets us apart


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